Witness subway rat vanish into darkness before another terrifying beast appears.

A GIGANTIC rat emerged on the Subway, trapped beneath a door before mysteriously vanishing into thin air.

The disturbing scene startled New York City commuters as the rodent seemed to have transformed into an equally frightening creature.

The disgusting rat seemed to be swapped by another creature
Commuters were alarmed by the strange sight of something else peeking through

In a brief 27-second video that circulated on X, previously referred to as Twitter, a troublesome rodent is depicted with proportions akin to that of a petite canine.

The pale rat lies spreadeagled as the social media user zooms in on the animal, which initially seems to be dead or in poor health.

Approximately five seconds into the footage, it abruptly veers and slips away, vanishing completely as it is engulfed by the wall in a mysterious disappearance.

Ten seconds later, the nose of another creature starts to peek through.

Once it becomes fully visible, it is obvious that it is a different beast, perhaps not even a rodent.

The obscure and low-resolution video has emerged once again on X following the reappearance of the enigmatic rat exchange incident.

Users have speculated that the sickly rat was “swept away by an even bigger rat,” while others mocked New York City’s perceived squalor.

Some believe that the initial rat was possibly pulled into the grimy crevice of the Subway by a larger rodent.

It remains unknown what happened to the original rat.

This comes after a British mum explained how she was awoken by her daughter’s screams after a huge rat popped up in their loo.

After completing a strenuous 14-hour shift at the hospital, the woman prepared to take a seat on the toilet when she suddenly heard a subtle scuttling noise emanating from beneath her.

She then recoiled in shock as she spotted the rodent peering up from the bowl.

The distressed mother, who preferred not to disclose her identity, relayed to The Scottish Sun: “As she glanced downward, she was met with the unsettling sight of two small, piercing eyes. The impact was intense, causing her to let out a piercing scream.”

“I couldn’t believe it.”

The pair, of Govanhill, Glasgow, then tried frantically to keep the lid down as the furry pest battled to escape.

She said: “We tried to shut the toilet pan. It was jumping up and trying to get out.

“I had to get a broom and was screaming my lungs out.

Shortly following a widely-publicized incident where New York City mayor Eric Adams faced global ridicule for his introduction of a new waste management system known as the wheelie bin initiative, aimed at addressing the ongoing rat infestation issue in the city.

The newest mayor of the Big Apple has often made headlines for his unique approach.

Adams has frequently directed his attention towards criminal activities, particularly emphasizing the security measures in subway systems and the deployment of officers throughout the network.

The mayor has also famously launched a war against rodents in the city, saying he “hates rats.”