This Adorable Pit Bull Waited In Line To Get Ice Cream Just Like Everyone Else

This Adorable Pit Bull Waited In Line To Get Ice Cream Just Like Everyone Else

Doing his SOCIAL DISTANCING also!! Just how patient and well trained he is …!

This adorable pit bull was just hanging around her home when she listened to the ice cream approach and she totally lost her mind!

The pooch obtained rather excited as she rushed to the vehicle and patiently waited in line like everyone else as her human stood right next to her. When her turn lastly came, she was looking up at the window waiting for her sweet treat and when she lastly got it, she ate the whole thing in secs and then just went for more.

Letting her swallow that whole ice cream cone possibly provided her brain freeze but she is so well mannered. What a good boy, I desire kids would certainly behave like him.

That’s a pit bull for ya! Sweetest, most well mannered dogs on planet earth. All dogs are special, however the pit bull takes grand prize of special.

Just how could anyone resist this Darling Angel?