Baby Elephant Saves Its Mother From Fatal Crocodile Attack By Brilliant Trick

Video : Baby Elephant Saves Its Mother From Fatal Crocodile Attack By Brilliant Trick

A crocodile attacks a mother elephant while she is drinking from a river! When the mama lowers her trunk to drink water, the crocodile hiding in the water bites it.

Fortunately for the mom elephant, her calf is nearby and decides to save its mother! The crocodile, on the other hand, does not give the mama elephant a possibility to combat and gets her trunk firmly!

The calf elephant realizes that it must act to save its mom, so it leaps on the reptile to provide its mom a much better chance of survival.

Lastly, the crocodile is not able to handle the weight of the baby elephant and the drawing toughness of the mother, so it leaves the mom’s trunk, freeing her. What a heroic effort by the calf!