Meet The Indian huge Squirrel - Almost Too Beautiful To Be Real (9 Photos).

Meet The Indian huge Squirrel – Almost Too Beautiful To Be Real (9 Photos).

When squirrel professional John Koprowski first saw a Malabar giant squirrel, also known as an Indian huge squirrel, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

The animal looked even more like a primate than a squirrel to its massive size, thought John when visiting India.

But the size of the Malabar giant squirrel isn’t the only thing that’s impressive, the color of its hair is also special– See the amazing gallery below:.

” These are giants!” Koprowski said professor and associate supervisor at the School of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of Arizona.

In fact, it is simply a huge squirrel, almost two times the size of the eastern gray squirrel, and is different from squirrels were used to seeing.

They can be an entire range of colors, such as black, brown, orange, maroon, and purple.

Maroon and purple shades are in fact unusual in mammals that makes it much more special.

These bright colors and beautiful patterns aren’t simply quite to look at, but it likewise helps them survive in the wild.

” In the shaded understory of a dense woodland, the patchy colors and dark hues are a great adaptation to preventing detection,” Koprowski claimed.

” But when you see these in the sunlight, they reveal their ‘real colors’ and beautiful pelage [hair].

According to Wikipedia. their ‘diet includes fruit, flowers, nuts, and tree bark. Some subspecies are omnivorous, also eating insects and bird eggs.’.

Malabar huge squirrels rarely go to the ground and live high up in the forest canopy, jumping and jumping from tree to tree, sometimes with leaps over 20-feet!

Fortunately, these gorgeous critters aren’t currently at risk of extinction, but they’ll require to be protected.

The possibilities of sighting among these animals in the wild are very slim.

Not only would you have to travel to eastern or southern India, but you would certainly also need to travel deep right into the forests.